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Latinî: Arkaaz
En: Lazy
De: Faul
Tr: Tembel
Esp: Lazy
Fa: تنبل
Ar: كسول
Osm: تنبل
Num: Uhanema, Laza
Who does not like to work, work, escapes from effort, boredom (nobody), lazy
Short Summary:Lazy
Kurze Zusammenfassung:Faul
Ḷᛠ↓: ↾ᓬБ°CƝ↾ ᒍ Ḷ⟓৬ ৬ᓬ⥙ | ГȪ≾ᛠરM: 269 | 웃ཞ: 2020-07-25 | ᕴરᎧM (0)